Penobscot Environmental Consulting, Inc.


Forest Ecosystem Management

Today�s forest landowner faces the complex task of maintaining forest ecosystem structure and function while striving to ensure a sustainable supply of forest products.� Most landowners, of course, are experts in timber management but many lack in-house expertise in ecosystem management.

Our company works with forest landowners and forest managers to develop balanced approaches to timber and ecosystem management, often in support of their efforts to maintain certification under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), or American Tree Farm (ATF) systems. Services that we provide include characterizing fish and wildlife habitats, developing habitat conservation strategies, preparing wildlife habitat management plans, natural community inventories, identification of late-successional and old growth stands, developing a workable late-successional management strategy, rare species inventories, identification of High Conservation Value Forests (FSC), and developing ecological best management practices.

We also develop training sessions for forest managers and harvesting contractors that address the full range of forest ecosystem management topics that they are faced with.

For those landowners seeking certification, we conduct gap analyses to compare current management practices to the requirements of the certification program of interest and make recommendations for closing those gaps. We also conduct mock audits that help prepare field staff for the full evaluation by certifiers.

Michael Thompson, M.Sc., President

Penobscot Environmental Consulting, Inc.

439 North Searsport Road, Swanville, Maine 04915 USA

Tel: 207-218-1691 | Cell: 207-653-2452
